About Mission Fight Back

ON AIR CONSULTANCY LLP is a group of socially conscious individuals who have got together to go beyond couch activism and living room debates to raise and awaken societal awareness amongst Governments, private and public institutions and society as a whole. ON AIR has representation from diverse fields like Armed Forces, Police, IT Sector and the Media.

The collective amalgamation of like-minded individuals led to the formation of MISSION FIGHT BACK with the idea of starting a social movement aimed at empowering the girl child through self defence and self-confidence. The project aims to take the self defence training module across all States, schools, colleges and corporates pan India.

Our Mission

“To make the girl child physically and mentally strong, aware, prepared and ready for any untoward situation that may occur in everyday life on any given day”

Our Goals


Introduce women to an array of subjects that concern their personal safety, from sexual assaults to potentially abusive partners.


At the end of the program, the trainee would be empowered to predict, identify and avoid violent situations and the individuals who design and orchestrate them. The training would cover very practical and doable moves in the event of a molestation attack.


Introduce a dynamic mobile App for the safety of the girl child. The App would work in conjunction with the on-ground training. Provide them with an opportunity to become economically independent so as to contribute to the development of our society at large by becoming a self-defence instructor.

Need for Mission Fight Back

The Delhi High Court in its ruling on 4th May 2017 ruled that there was an urgent need to train the girl child in the art of self-defence. The need was felt due to the alarming rise in the instances of rapes and molestations besides the following:

How Can India Progress When 49% of its Population Feels Constantly THREATENED?

Below are some of the latest National Crimes Records Bureau (NCRB) statistical figures which point towards an alarming situation pleading to be addressed:

India has 106 reported rapes per day
Child rape increased by 82% in 2016 vs. 2015
Crimes against children in India have increased by almost 300% in 6 years
60% children who went missing in 2016 were girls

Almost all the statistics in the world show that nearly 95% of the crime against women are perpetrated by persons or people close or known to the victim. Random instances of rapes or molestations are a mere 5%. The situation further worsened with the low conviction rate which emboldens the perpetrators.

It can unmistakably be deduced that with proper education and training (starting at the right age) at least half of these cases can be avoided or prevented at the initial stages.

Source: NCRB 2018 Report | CRY